The possibilities of plain language: how jargon costs non-profits time and money

“A communication is in plain language if its wording, structure, and design are so clear that the intended readers can easily find what they need, understand what they find, and use that information.”

Why It Matters

Forty-eight per cent of Canadian adults are considered to have low literacy. Plain language removes barriers, like jargon, that can prevent people from understanding and accessing community and government services.

var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"The possibilities of plain language: how jargon costs non-profits time and money. What does \u201cdeveloper velocity\u201d have in common with \u201cplatformication\u201d and \u201csystemic cadence?\u201d They\u2019re all terms that have received a dubious honour \u2014 the Financial Review\u2019s Eye-roll Award for worst possible jargon. \u201cJargon always comes up when I\u2019m training people,\u201d says Barbra Kingsley, president of the Centre for Plain Language. \u201cBut I tell people that jargon itself isn\u2019t bad \u2014 and it's a kind of shorthand that often works with people who share our same level of knowledge.\u201d It makes sense for nuclear scientists or doctors to develop verbal shortcuts to efficiently communicate complex concepts or

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