First-ever by-Indigenous for-Indigenous platform launches to help boost donations for Indigenous initiatives across the country

โ€œOne of the purposes of the โ€˜Feast Houseโ€™ is to create really simple pathways to encourage donors to give abundantly and directly,โ€ says Valine Brown, who led the development of the initiative

Why It Matters

Many settler-led philanthropic organizations want to boost their financial support for Indigenous-led projects, but some lack relationships with Indigenous communities and donโ€™t know where to start.

[aesop_image img=”” panorama=”off” align=”center” lightbox=”on” captionsrc=”custom” caption=”Feast House, a new website hosted by The Circle on Philanthropy, aims to connect donors with Indigenous-led and Indigenous-informed initiatives across the country.” captionposition=”left” revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”]

This journalism โ€‹โ€‹is made possible by the Future of Good editorial fellowship covering the social impact worldโ€™s rapidly changing funding models, supported by Future of Good, Community Foundations of Canada, and United Way Centraide Canada. See our editorial ethics and standards here.


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