How UK funders quickly mobilized against racist violence

Why It Matters

This summer’s violent attacks on Muslim and other racialized communities in the UK revealed deep-seated tensions. With more data – and strategies that incorporate insights from that data – funders can actively direct capital towards projects that help prevent future violence.

Blended finance: A Canadian way to raise funds, but happening mainly in Quebec

Why It Matters

Thrive Impact Fund is mapping an optimal process for blending different financing (debt, equity, grants) and investors (public, private, philanthropic) around social impact projects. This collaboration and the innovative financial instruments created could significantly change how projects gather funding.

Q&A: Oversight and governance of AI use at borders, humanitarian aid zones are weak, says expert

Why It Matters

Data collection practices often rely on active and informed consent – but how can people in precarious situations genuinely understand what is happening with their biometric information, how it will be stored, and who it will be shared with?

New ICC report sheds light on why fewer newcomers are choosing to become Canadian citizens

Why It Matters

Canada needs immigrants for economic and population growth as the country’s population ages and birth rates decline. However, fewer immigrants choose to call Canada home, which can spell trouble in the future.

WEBINAR REPLAY: Canadian Black entrepreneurs should create the next Google / Les entrepreneurs noirs canadiens devraient créer le prochain Google

Why It Matters

Il n'existe qu'un seul fonds canadien, BKR, pour financer l'entrepreneuriat noir dans le domaine de la technologie. Lorsqu'ils obtiennent un financement, les entrepreneurs noirs reçoivent des prêts, rarement des fonds propres. Le Québécois Wils Theagene estime qu'il est urgent de changer de système et de créer une véritable chaîne de financement pour les entrepreneurs de la communauté noire. There is only one Canadian fund, BKR, to finance Black entrepreneurship in technology. When they get funding, Black entrepreneurs receive loans, rarely equity. Quebec's Wils Theagene sees a pressing need for a system change, creating a real financing chain for entrepreneurs from the Black community.