Nine Canadian funders make historic $405 million pledge to combat climate change

Why It Matters

Climate change is an existential threat. Yet climate solutions get just a fraction of philanthropic dollars. Could a new pledge help motivate others to give more?

How UK funders quickly mobilized against racist violence

Why It Matters

This summerโ€™s violent attacks on Muslim and other racialized communities in the UK revealed deep-seated tensions. With more data โ€“ and strategies that incorporate insights from that data โ€“ funders can actively direct capital towards projects that help prevent future violence.

Three years in, philanthropyโ€™s climate pledge in Canada falling short despite bright spots

Why It Matters

Climate change poses an existential threat to life on Earth. Yet environmental charities in Canada get just two per cent of foundation funds. Has a voluntary climate pledge helped increase support?

Children spearhead change in Worst Child Labour countries

Why It Matters

Evidence from Bangladesh and Nepal shows that children can understand their exploitation and offer meaningful solutions. Engaging them is critical to developing more effective strategies to combat the worst forms of child labour.