Data drives preventative care at queer and trans health clinic

Why It Matters

With a larger number of non-profits collecting, stewarding and analyzing information about marginalized communities, it’s critical they do it well, while upholding the privacy and dignity of vulnerable people.

WEBINAR REPLAY: Canadian Black entrepreneurs should create the next Google / Les entrepreneurs noirs canadiens devraient créer le prochain Google

Why It Matters

Il n'existe qu'un seul fonds canadien, BKR, pour financer l'entrepreneuriat noir dans le domaine de la technologie. Lorsqu'ils obtiennent un financement, les entrepreneurs noirs reçoivent des prêts, rarement des fonds propres. Le Québécois Wils Theagene estime qu'il est urgent de changer de système et de créer une véritable chaîne de financement pour les entrepreneurs de la communauté noire. There is only one Canadian fund, BKR, to finance Black entrepreneurship in technology. When they get funding, Black entrepreneurs receive loans, rarely equity. Quebec's Wils Theagene sees a pressing need for a system change, creating a real financing chain for entrepreneurs from the Black community.

Technical staff and clean data key to being granted money for AI projects, funders say

Why It Matters

Few funders focus on technology and artificial intelligence grants. Few technically skilled staff in the non-profit sector can expertly handle data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence projects.

Human and civil rights groups call for withdrawal of Canada’s AI legislation

Why It Matters

In Budget 2024, the federal government announced $5.1 million to enforce the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act. Most consultations have been with industry, while human rights groups and non-profits have had little involvement in crafting the legislation to date.