4 Canadian Social Impact Blockchain Companies To Watch

Leveraging blockchain for impact

Why It Matters

In a finance-focused blockchain world, life-saving and life-enhancing use cases will become early indicators of the mainstreaming potential of this technology for social change, says blockchain expert Anne Connelly.

There’s a lot of talk in the blockchain space about using the technology to create social impact. From facilitating remittances, to improving transparency, to reducing counterfeit goods, if the world has a problem, blockchain might be a solution.

While much of the discussion of blockchain’s potential is still all talk, four Canadian companies are proving they can also walk the walk.


Bunz: Good Things Come to Those Who Trade

Bunz began organically in 2013 when a group of neighbours started trading the things they no longer use with each other. Five years later, more than 1 million people have joined the community  and the philosophy of the buyerarchy of ne

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