Global Affairs Canada overhauling approximately $6 billion grants and contributions system

Quarterly check-ins and new online portal could be part of collaborative process of re-envisioning how international development projects are approved and funded

Why It Matters

Global Affairs distributes billions of dollars each year in the name of international advocacy and diplomacy, from small grants supporting overseas Pride events to Canada’s budgetary contribution to the United Nations. A faster, simpler process would allow global cooperation and international aid organizations to focus on the people and communities they serve, instead of paperwork.

var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"Global Affairs Canada overhauling approximately $6 billion grants and contributions system. [aesop_image img=\"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2022\/10\/unnamed-8.jpeg\" panorama=\"off\" align=\"center\" lightbox=\"on\" captionsrc=\"custom\" caption=\"Global Affairs Canada director general, Brandon Lee, speaks in Ottawa on October 20, 2022. Photo: Neha Chollangi \" captionposition=\"left\" revealfx=\"off\" overlay_revealfx=\"off\"] Global Affairs Canada will drastically change how it manages grants and contributions over the next half decade, working to move away from processes many in the global cooperation and aid\u00a0 sector have described as \u201ctoo complex, too time consuming and too costly.\u201d Speaking at the International Coopera

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