How Can Companies Be Better LGBTQ2+ Allies Year-Round?

Being a corporate ally requires more than just branding during international days.

Why It Matters

Both within Canada and around the world, the corporatization of Pride has reached a fever pitch — a move that some say helps amplify awareness and others say detracts from the LGBTQ2+ community. We spoke to Ian Capstick, activist and founder of MediaStyle, about how companies can do better.

var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"How Can Companies Be Better LGBTQ2+ Allies Year-Round?. We started #FutureOfGood Twitter chats to dive deeper into hot topics that have been resonating with our community. It\u2019s hosted Thursdays from 12-1 p.m. ET. We recently spoke with Ian Capstick \u2014 founder of MediaStyle and LGBTQ2+ activist \u2014 about the commercialization of Pride, the branding of international days, and ways for corporations to be better allies year-round. \u00a0 \u23f8\u2587 \u00a0 Pride has long been both celebration & protest for the LGBTQ2+ community. In the last few years, we\u2019ve seen corporate brands get more involved in Pride than ever. What\u2019s your take on their involvement?\u23f8\u2587 Pride was protest and then it was a kind-of celebration. In the early

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