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March 8 is International Women’s Day. It’s also my daughter’s birthday. This year, she turns 7. About two weeks ago, my partner and I asked her if she wanted to host a birthday party with a few of her classmates. To no one’s surprise, she jumped at the idea. The past two birthdays were over Zoom and she’s at a point now (aren’t we all?) where even if I utter the word zoom, she’ll scream. 

She said she wanted the party theme to be space. I was imagining pictures of planets, galaxies and satellites on the walls, a photo gallery of women astronauts past and present. Maybe I’d even build a mock lunar base that the kids could add to and play in. This would be fun. 

I asked my daughter, “Why space?” This is where I thought she’d say something like, “Because I want to go to Mars!” or, “I want to be an astronaut!” or, “I want to fly in a rocket

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