Live feed: Black Leadership in Social Impact Summit

Why It Matters

From Sept. 27-28, 2023, Future of Good and the Foundation for Black Communities are hosting a digital-first conference to celebrate Black leadership in social change and guide senior leaders and teams interested in equity and inclusion to become more impactful in their anti-racism work.

McConnell commits $30M in capital transfer to Indigenous-led foundations. What's a capital transfer? And will others follow?

Why It Matters

Black and Indigenous-led foundations have called on private foundations to transfer assets to them — to put them in charge of distributing resources to their own communities. But have funders been heeding these calls?


Budget 2023 spends big — just not on the non-profit and charitable sector

Why It Matters

Canadian non-profits employ roughly 2.6 million Canadians and provide vital services in every province and territory. This year’s federal budget will impact those organizations — and the communities they serve — for years to come.

It’s 2023. Are you still using a ‘lip service’ land acknowledgement? There’s a better way — and a new Indigenous-led fundraising school is here to help.

Why It Matters

Indigenous people are donors, volunteers, partners and beneficiaries in the charitable sector. Non-Indigenous teams need to be well-equipped to respectfully engage with Indigenous people in all of these roles. It’s both basic respect, and it’s mission-critical for modern charitable organizations’ funding models.

23 Daring Predictions that will Shape the Social Impact World in 2023

Why It Matters

Signals tend to reveal emergent phenomena sooner so that changemakers can turn their attention to possible opportunities, disruptions, innovations and developments that affect their missions, programs and work. Signals can become mainstream and evolve into trends — when a signal hits a certain threshold, for example, it might become a trend in the broader society or sector, and begin to diffuse rapidly.