Nearly 50 data-collection volunteers came together to gather insights on food insecurity in Toronto: here’s how it will transform one non-profit’s policy advocacy work

“This is a community research project. We’re trying to provide a forum for food bank clients to share their perspectives.”

Why It Matters

Gathering information on the ground helps non-profit organizations understand issues communities grapple with in real-time, while avoiding the delays associated with government data. Training volunteers to collect this data also frees-up existing staff, giving organizations the ability to be in many places at once.

var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"Nearly 50 data-collection volunteers came together to gather insights on food insecurity in Toronto: here\u2019s how it will transform one non-profit\u2019s policy advocacy work. This independent journalism on data, digital transformation and technology for social impact is made possible by the Future of Good editorial fellowship on digital transformation, supported by Mastercard Changeworks\u2122. Read our editorial ethics and standards here. TORONTO \/ TREATY 13 - Former academic and community volunteer Asma Siddiqi is no stranger to data collection; while completing her doctorate at York University she spent time collecting and compiling the experiences of public library staff in Toronto. So when she heard Toronto\u2019s Daily Bread Food Bank was loo

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