Six big ways Biden’s policy choices will affect Canadian social impact work

Many of the U.S.’s major social issues are also present in Canada, and social impact organizations will need to tackle them

Why It Matters

President-elect Joe Biden is promising to undo many of the worst abuses of the Trump administration. Yet these issues, from racism to immigration abuses to a lack of global development, are also present in Canada. The social impact sector cannot think of them as just American issues.

var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"Six big ways Biden\u2019s policy choices will affect Canadian social impact work. President-elect Joe Biden is taking the helm of the United States government at one of its most uncertain periods in recent history.\u00a0 Over 400,000 Americans, many of them racialized, have died of COVID-19. Police forces across the U.S. are killing primarily Black, Indigenous, queer, disabled, and homeless people at astonishing rates. American democracy has been both metaphorically and \u2014 as of last week \u2014 physically assaulted under the orders of outgoing president Donald Trump. Four years of his presidency has atrophied America\u2019s foreign aid and development regimes.\u00a0 Canadians often indulge in the fantasy that our culture is fundamentally different fr

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