How sustainable technology is moving from smart homes to smart cities

Building(s) for the future

Why It Matters

The way we build and operate our buildings now and into the future will be nothing like the past. But advances in technology alone are not enough – behaviours, culture, regulations, and policies also need to change.

Welcome to Part 4 of Future of Good’s series on social purpose real estate (SPRE). 

From the way we buy and sell goods and services, to how we communicate with friends and strangers alike, it would be difficult to name a part of our lives that hasn’t been transformed by advances in technology. To use the lingo favoured by Silicon Valley, entire industries have been “disrupted” by new entrants who are using technology to leapfrog the status quo – and real estate is no different.

Technology is helping to make real estate more sustainable – from how buildings are designed and constructed to how we operate and interact with them in the real world as tenants, residents, and neighbours.


Straws, sticks, and bricks

The way we build our buildings, at least in Canada and the U.S., hasn’t changed much for a very long time: house

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