Now’s the time to take action on Agenda 2030 in Canada — together

Now’s the time to take action on Agenda 2030 in Canada — together.
The pressure is on to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in the midst of a global pandemic. With only ten years until the 2030 deadline, it’s essential that we act with urgency to create deep, transformative change even in this phase of COVID-19 recovery and resilience. But what exactly is our role as Canadians, and how do we catalyze collective action towards achieving the SDGs?
We’re excited to announce that Future of Good is the digital content partner for Together|Ensemble 2020, a 3-day online summit that will convene a range of stakeholders across Canada to accelerate action towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
We’ll be producing a special story series on innovative approaches to achieving the SDGs, with renowned leaders working toward a better future by 2030. We’ll be providing virtual coverage throughout the conference through our social media and in a member-exclusive end of day e-newsletter with top highlights from each day. Future of Good will also host a Twitter Chat to engage participants in a timely conversation to spark new ideas and spotlight solutions for a better 2030.
You can register for the Together|Ensemble 2020 conference here (it’s free!). The conference will be broadcasted in French and English.
Can’t attend but want all the insights? Become a Future of Good member with a free trial.