Urban Indigenous organizations need more COVID-19 funding, says National Association of Friendship Centres

Gaps in federal government funding leave communities vulnerable

Why It Matters

Despite a lack of resources, friendship centres across Canada are finding innovative ways to support their communities. Across the country, these centres provide emergency support to communities — but need more funding to continue doing so effectively.

Pamela Glode-Desrochers and her staff have been working around the clock to support their Halifax community during the COVID-19 pandemic. The executive director of the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre says despite a lack of government funding, the centre is providing emergency support to the nearly 6,000 people who use their services every year. 

“We didn’t stop working — it became more hectic for us,” Glode-Desrochers explains. 

The Canadian government announced a $305-million package to support the country’s Indigenous population during the pandemic, of which $15 million has been committed to organizations in urban areas, while the rest is distributed amongs

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