When activists and institutionalists turn against one another, do this.
Why It Matters
As Kat Cadungog writes in this story, “until we can solve our in-house disputes…it will be difficult to mobilize at the scale and speed we need to to solve the climate crisis” — or any social crisis, for that matter.
Everyone is tense.
Watching the news today, it feels as if there is an excess of tensions in what’s currently referred to as Canada, whether it’s among oil and gas companies and Indigenous land defenders, abolitionist movements and police forces, or — yes — those in support of the “freedom convoy” and those against it.
Yet, the most surprising tensions are not the ones that exist between groups with contradicting views of how society works or how it should be, but within the social sector itself. These tensions internal to the social sector emerge because while the sector commonly agrees about its goals, we cannot agree about how those ends ought to be pursued. These disagreements have resulted in in-house, or rather, in-sector arguments. Such arguments have led and can only lead into gridlock.
This issue is common in the climate sector. Dis
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