The Future Of Global Cooperation (#FuturesFestival 2022)
About This Series
While global crises including climate disasters, gender-based violence, and the refugee crisis require urgent attention, the need to develop a long-term global assistance strategy is vital. Now, coming out of COVID-19, what is Canada’s direction when it comes to development, aid and cooperation work? This series, Cooperation Canada will cover major themes from the International Cooperation Futures Festival, highlighting lessons and insights on how Canadian and global changemakers can reimagine international cooperation and humanitarian aid.
“Peace is a verb, not a noun”: why modernizing global cooperation and aid must start with reframing language
Words like decolonization are not made for the global south. If the global cooperation and aid sector fails to use language that is meaningful, inclusive and accessible to everyone, conversations on advancing the sector’s future will remain one-sided.
“We shouldn’t be gossiping about Afghanistan from afar”: Afghan journalist on how free press affects international aid
Studies show that the international coverage of a humanitarian crisis directly impacts how much global aid goes into the affected region. Passing the one year mark of when the Taliban took power, supporting local journalists in Afghanistan is vital for inclusive coverage of important issues affecting populations within the country, this expert says.
Africa is losing $88.6 billion that could be put toward locally-led development, experts say — here's how
While domestic resource mobilization has been a long-time priority for African nations, the urgency of the pandemic added to the list of spending needs and slowed down the region’s efforts.