Three years in, philanthropyโ€™s climate pledge in Canada falling short despite bright spots

Why It Matters

Climate change poses an existential threat to life on Earth. Yet environmental charities in Canada get just two per cent of foundation funds. Has a voluntary climate pledge helped increase support?

Q&A: Canada needs to triple its climate financing for other countries, climate NGOs say

Why It Matters

Canadaโ€™s international financial contribution of $5.3 billion to combat climate change falls short of its fair share in quantity and quality according to experts. Tripling the money, disbursed in grants and not loans, and prioritizing adaptation is needed.

Volunteer firefighters fill countless roles in rural communities, so why are their numbers shrinking?

Why It Matters

More than 70 per cent of Canadian firefighters are classified as volunteers, but thousands have hung up their turnout gear in recent years. New recruitment strategies and better funding could help turn the tide.

How $335 million and a Wall Street-inspired funding model have raised hopes for the conservation of the Great Bear Sea

Why It Matters

Much environmental conservation focuses on preserving land piece by piece. A new model focuses on increasing the long-term resilience of an entire region by funding it up-front.