Canadian non-profits continue to grapple with volunteer shortages, even as the COVID-19 pandemic fades into memory. Retaining older volunteers could help stem the tide.
Il n'existe qu'un seul fonds canadien, BKR, pour financer l'entrepreneuriat noir dans le domaine de la technologie. Lorsqu'ils obtiennent un financement, les entrepreneurs noirs reรงoivent des prรชts, rarement des fonds propres. Le Quรฉbรฉcois Wils Theagene estime qu'il est urgent de changer de systรจme et de crรฉer une vรฉritable chaรฎne de financement pour les entrepreneurs de la communautรฉ noire. There is only one Canadian fund, BKR, to finance Black entrepreneurship in technology. When they get funding, Black entrepreneurs receive loans, rarely equity. Quebec's Wils Theagene sees a pressing need for a system change, creating a real financing chain for entrepreneurs from the Black community.
Some researchers predict artificial intelligence could reduce people's workload by as much as 45 per cent in the coming years. Channelling some of that newfound time into volunteerism could reverse current declines in volunteer numbers.
The last four years have rapidly accelerated changes in volunteerism. Understanding current trends could help improve volunteer recruitment and retention, but national data is limited.