Diane Bérard to report on social finance for Future of Good, supported by Suncor

var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"Diane B\u00e9rard to report on social finance for Future of Good, supported by Suncor. At Future of Good, social finance and impact investing are an important part of our social impact journalism. Over the last four years of Future of Good\u2019s coverage, we have featured stories of and insights from people and projects whose bold ambitions and brave journeys are shaping a more purpose-oriented finance, investing and funding ecosystem, and inspiring novel finance tools that accelerate more sustainable and inclusive communities for all. As examples, we covered the launches of Equality Fund, Desjardins Community Recovery Fund, TELUS Pollinator Fund for Good and Emergency Community Support Fund; in addition to our regular social finance coverage, we published speci

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