Q&A: Oversight and governance of AI use at borders, humanitarian aid zones are weak, says expert

Why It Matters

Data collection practices often rely on active and informed consent – but how can people in precarious situations genuinely understand what is happening with their biometric information, how it will be stored, and who it will be shared with?

‘This is not reconciliation’: Federal funding drops for Indigenous language revitalization

Why It Matters

Indigenous languages are facing extinction due to colonization, and many communities are trying to revitalize their languages and create more fluent speakers.

Data drives preventative care at queer and trans health clinic

Why It Matters

With a larger number of non-profits collecting, stewarding and analyzing information about marginalized communities, it’s critical they do it well, while upholding the privacy and dignity of vulnerable people.

LGBTQ+ groups look to other money models after lack of funding in Canada's federal budget

Why It Matters

LGBTQ+ hate and discriminatory policies are on the rise, yet the Liberal government's federal budget allocated very little funding to help queer and gender-diverse organizations - with a potential change in government on the way.

What Canada can learn from successful cash aid programs in war zones

Why It Matters

While basic food staples, clean water and health care services are always needed amid disaster, having cash allows families to choose what they need rather than be given whatever goods come their way.