Mentorship is key to recovery — here’s why

There’s no question about it: young people have borne the economic and social brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social isolation is contributing to plummeting mental health and young people are experiencing record high rates of unemployment.
As we move into recovery from the pandemic, young people will need support — and mentorship could be the key.
How can the social impact world boost Canada’s culture of mentorship — and its own? How can organizations make mentorship programs accessible to young people from coast-to-coast-to-coast, especially in remote or rural areas? What does an equitable, diverse and just mentorship ecosystem look like?
We’re thrilled to announce that Future of Good will be diving into these questions and more with MENTOR Canada. Over the summer of 2021, we’ll be exploring the landscape of mentorship in Canada and the implications on mental health through stories, infographics and more. MENTOR Canada will also be supporting our webinar on exploring young impact leadership coming late July, hosted by Future of Good and RBC Future Launch. Stay tuned for more information – sign up for a free Future of Good account here to be the first to know future events.
To learn more about the mentorship landscape in Canada, head over to MENTOR Canada’s webinar on May 12th.