Webinar: 23 predictions for the social impact world in 2023

var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"Webinar: 23 predictions for the social impact world in 2023.\u23f8\u2587Tuesday, February 7th, 1:00 pm EST\u23f8\u2587Changemakers enter 2023 at a moment of profound challenge and change.\u00a0\u23f8\u2587From the economic downturn (and the subsequent tightening of funding purse strings) to the panic over potentially losing Twitter to the challenge of impact measurement and data consent, there\u2019s much on the horizon that changemakers are, by and large, woefully unprepared for. But you don\u2019t have to be.\u00a0\u23f8\u2587To help you and your team better understand what\u2019s ahead, Vinod Rajasekaran, publisher and CEO of Future of Good, has rounded up what he predicts are the 23 most important changes (and inactions) you need to know about as we forge into 20

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