23 Daring Predictions that will Shape the Social Impact World in 2023

Changemakers enter 2023 at a moment of profound challenge and change. 

Why It Matters

Signals tend to reveal emergent phenomena sooner so that changemakers can turn their attention to possible opportunities, disruptions, innovations and developments that affect their missions, programs and work. Signals can become mainstream and evolve into trends — when a signal hits a certain threshold, for example, it might become a trend in the broader society or sector, and begin to diffuse rapidly.

var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"23 Daring Predictions that will Shape the Social Impact World in 2023. Why does predicting the future matter?\u23f8\u2587 Changemakers enter 2023 at a moment of profound challenge and change. While it is the best time in the history of humanity to be alive and working, the systems humans designed decades ago continue to create and exacerbate societal problems all around us, from how we work to how we govern to how we care to how we give. There are countless proof points that we see through Future of Good\u2019s social impact journalism everyday: completing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission\u2019s Calls to Action are frustratingly slow; more people in Canada are relying on food banks than ever before; while GDP has grown, Canada has one of the largest i

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