8 big ideas for encouraging young Canadians to fight against gender inequity

Young people are our future. How can we get them more involved in the fight against gender inequity?

Why It Matters

Studies have shown that COVID-19 could set back progress on domestic and global gender equity by decades. From an increase in gendered violence to rising unemployment rates among women, it’s more important now than ever to fight against gender inequity.

var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"8 big ideas for encouraging young Canadians to fight against gender inequity. This story is in partnership with World University Service of Canada Young people today are more likely to be open-minded about gender roles than their counterparts from previous generations. Research shows they\u2019re more likely to believe that gender equity is necessary to build a peaceful, prosperous world.\u00a0 Youth engagement experts say there\u2019s a huge opportunity for social impact organizations to engage youth as agents of change and include them in important decision-making processes to uplift gender equity at local, national and global levels. Despite the progress that has been made over the past several decades, no country in the world has achieved gender

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