A first: Non-profit ranks in Globe & Mail ranking of Canada’s top-growing companies

The iconic yearly ranking includes a non-profit: UTILE, a Montreal-based organization

Why It Matters

Non-profits’ gross domestic product (GDP) was $185.8 billion in 2020, representing nine per cent of Canada’s total GDP. Over the 2010 to 2020 period, the real GDP of non-profit institutions outpaced that of the overall Canadian economy in five out of 11 years. The real GDP of non-profit institutions grew by an annual average of 1.9 per cent over the 11 years, faster than the total economy (+1.5 per cent).

var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"A first: Non-profit ranks in Globe & Mail ranking of Canada\u2019s top-growing companies. This independent journalism \u200b\u200bis made possible by the Future of Good editorial fellowship covering social finance, supported by the Suncor Energy Foundation.\u00a0\u00a0See our editorial ethics and standards here. For the first time, the iconic yearly ranking includes a non-profit: UTILE , a Montreal-based organization developing and operating affordable student housing.\u00a0 The reason: over the last three years, it grew 507 per cent. The rules of this self-participatory ranking are unambiguous: eligible companies must be for-profit. Charitable organizations, non-governmental organizations, and not-for-profit organizations are not eligible.\u00a0

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