We Need A Social Finance Fund That is Future-Proof

A guide to understanding the new pot of money aimed at creating a fair and equal Canada

Why It Matters

The upcoming Social Finance Fund is the single biggest commitment to social finance ever in Canada. This change isn't happening in a bubble, though — the finance industry and system itself is rapidly changing, and in order for this fund to be effective a decade from now, it needs to mesh with what’s emerging in the finance industry today.

var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"We Need A Social Finance Fund That is Future-Proof. Canada is making waves around the world with the recent Government of Canada\u2019s $755 million over 10-years announcement of a Social Finance Fund. It\u2019s a huge win for Canada\u2019s ecosystem that has largely remained under the radar \u2014 but how do you keep the fund relevant in a fast-changing finance industry? \u00a0 \u23f8\u2587 The Backdrop\u23f8\u2587 The Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy Co-creation Steering Group set up by the Government of Canada, comprising 16 leaders, recently delivered its recommendations. One of them is the establishment of a Social Finance Fund \u201cto accelerate the development of social finance ecosystems across Canada.\u201d The idea being invest

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