Q&A: Trottier Foundation head on why they're hiring an inside shareholder engagement director to battle climate change

Why It Matters

A shareholder engagement director works with companies on behalf of institutional investors like foundations. Their job is to engage with management and boards to convince businesses to clean up their act. This helps protect investments from climate risk and helps ensure they have a positive impact.

SVX launches major update to impact investing opportunity database

Why It Matters

There is a significant demand for access to impact investing products and there is a greater supply than most investors are familiar with. SVX Impact Index aims to correct this asymmetry.

By the numbers: 25 things in Budget 2024 the social purpose world should know about

Why It Matters

The non-profit sector makes up nearly 10 per cent of the Canadian economy and employs 2.5 million people, yet is often the last consideration in the federal budget.

What non-profits should expect in Canada's 2024 federal budget

Why It Matters

Non-profits tend to be community-based, but a lot of funding flows from the top. The federal budget will point to the government’s top priorities and if those on the front lines of services factor into their long-term outlook.