Does an ‘extraordinary’ half-billion dollar donation offer new potential for affordable housing in Winnipeg?

Last Tuesday, the Winnipeg Foundation announced they will be the recipient of the largest-ever gift from an individual to a charity in Canada’s history.

Why It Matters

The Winnipeg Foundation, Canada’s largest community foundation, just announced they have been gifted one of Winnipeg’s largest apartment rental companies. How they choose to steward this asset could impact Winnipeg’s housing market in the coming years.

var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"Does an \u2018extraordinary\u2019 half-billion dollar donation offer new potential for affordable housing in Winnipeg?. Sky Bridges, CEO of the Winnipeg Foundation, the country\u2019s largest community foundation. (Courtesy: Winnipeg Foundation) \u23f8\u2587 This journalism \u200b\u200bis made possible by the Future of Good editorial fellowship covering the social impact world\u2019s rapidly changing funding models, supported by Future of Good, Community Foundations of Canada, and United Way Centraide Canada.\u00a0See our editorial ethics and standards here. \u00a0 When she passed away, Miriam Bergen left her city with an unprecedented gift.\u00a0 Last week, on Giving Tuesday, the Winnipeg Foundation announced they have received an estate gift, valued

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