Why is no one talking about immunity inequality?

var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"Why is no one talking about immunity inequality?. In a recent conversation with an elderly friend who\u2019d received a COVID-19 vaccination, I asked, \u201cWhat does it feel like to be vaccinated?\u201d She said, \u201cIt feels like we finally matter in this world.\u201d\u00a0 What if every human could have immunity against every known disease? No more Zika. No more measles or mumps. No more HIV and so no more AIDS. No more dengue or herpes or ebola. And the bewildering, scary, and so very transmissible COVID-19 is gone from everywhere in the world \u2014 including the global south. Wouldn\u2019t that be amazing? It\u2019s International Development Week, and while Canada\u2019s foreign assistance and development largely prioritizes addressing gender, edu

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