LONG READ: What is #DataBack? Indigenous-owned software company makes data exciting

Animikii, an Indigenous technology company, has launched Niiwin, a tool for Indigenous-led organizations to own and manage their own data structures.

Why It Matters

Missing, obscured and incomplete data can have tangible consequences for Indigenous communities and their wellbeing. It’s vital to discuss practical steps organizations can take to embed Indigenous data sovereignty into their processes.

var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"LONG READ: What is #DataBack? Indigenous-owned software company makes data exciting. This independent journalism on data, digital transformation and technology for social impact is made possible by the Future of Good editorial fellowship on digital transformation, supported by Mastercard Changeworks\u2122. Read our editorial ethics and standards here . \u00a0 The Aamjiwnaang First Nation sits on Anishinaabeg land, in what is colonially known as Sarnia, Ont.. Colloquially referred to as Chemical Valley, the land that Aamjiwnaang sits on is surrounded by chemical and petrochemical production plants, which a new report says has had tangible effects on public health, food sources and relationships to land within the community.\u00a0 \u201cCommunity members k

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