On not letting (another) crisis go to waste

Why the social impact sector shouldn’t return to normalcy after COVID-19

Why It Matters

COVID-19 is highlighting some of the most pressing gaps in Canada’s social infrastructure — an underfunded healthcare system without ‘surge’ capacity, for example. The social impact sector should not waste this opportunity to address these gaps, and define the new normal in a post-Coronavirus world.

var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"On not letting (another) crisis go to waste. In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, the opportunity to learn, adapt and innovate from the symptoms that created the crisis were largely wasted. Now we face an unimaginably greater crisis, this time affecting not just the financial system but our entire economy, public health system, and everyday patterns of life. If we are to derive some benefit from present pain, Canadians need to learn the lessons and distinguish between short-term corrective measures and the opportunity to correct structural flaws. People yearn for a return to normalcy. But what will the \u2018normal\u2019 look like after this? \u00a0 Recreating the status quo \u2014\u00a0a missed opportunity\u00a0\u23f8\u2587 The dictionary definit

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