One in three Canadians age 18 to 24 will turn to charity to meet basic needs in coming months

Thirty per cent of Albertans won’t be able to meet basic needs for food, clothing and shelter without accessing charitable services, in the next six months

Why It Matters

Canadian charities face increased demand for service across the country, even as charitable giving declines in the face of inflationary pressures. Innovative and flexible ways of contributing time and money could help close the gap between need and capacity, allowing community serving organizations to continue to provide support to those turning to charities to make ends meet.

A new Ipsos poll reveals 22 per cent of Canadians plan to access charitable services over the next six months — up from 14 per cent last January — just to meet basic needs.

“We know that Canadians across the country are feeling the impact of rising interest rates and the high cost of living, but it’s staggering to see that two in ten Canadians will need support from charities to meet their basic needs in the next six months,” said Jane Ricciardelli, chief operating officer and acting CEO of CanadaHelps. “Adding to the problem, many Canadian charities are facing significant shortfalls in funding, which is making it very difficult to meet such high demand.”

The poll, commissioned by CanadaHelps, found individuals ages 18 to 34 were most in need of assistance. One in three Canadians in that demographic expected to rely on charity for essential services

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