Small businesses worry Canada’s Competition Act review will ignore them: CFIB

Why It Matters

Small and medium businesses have long waited for a review of Canada’s Competition Act but worry larger corporations have too much regulatory influence. Smaller businesses say this means their concerns continue to be ignored, hampering their efforts to grow.

From spam bots to doxxing, cyberbullying is bringing non-profits to their knees. What can be done?

Why It Matters

There is little criminal and legal protection for staff members who are targeted personally by cyberbullies - many of whom also identify as being part of the same marginalized communities they work with.

Arresting hate: Foundation to educate police, justice officials on what, exactly, is a hate crime in Canada

Why It Matters

Reported hate crimes are rising rapidly nationwide, increasing by 83 per cent between 2019 and 2022, yet Canada does not have a standardized process for identifying, reporting and handling hate. This is the plan to change that.

Does your non-profit ask you to work overtime for no pay? Here's what Canadian workers say

Why It Matters

Non-profit employees routinely asked to do work for which they aren't paid or outside their skillset leads to higher turnover rates, burnout, and reduced service capability.