Tampons and pads are becoming more expensive. Mutual aid is here to help.
Why It Matters
Much has been made of mutual aid networks combating food insecurity during the pandemic. But these networks are also combatting period poverty as the cost of tampons and pads rises.
This independent journalism is made possible by a Future of Good editorial fellowship on community resilience, funded by Cooperators. See our editorial ethics and standards here.
Mona Grenier would like you to think of menstrual products as you think of toothpaste: an everyday need that should be available to all.
Grenier and her colleagues at the Vancouver Community Fridge Project secure donations of food and essential household items for some of the city’s publicly accessible community fridges and pantries. But she says people need to consider donating menstrual products like tampons and pads as frequently as they think about food.
That’s why she makes a point of talking about menstruation to her almost
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