Twenty-two books to add to your summer reading list

Whether you’re reading on the couch or on the beach this summer, here are some books to keep you company and expand your horizons
var TRINITY_TTS_WP_CONFIG = {"cleanText":"Twenty-two books to add to your summer reading list. Looking for something to read on the front stoop? Back deck? On the beach or on the commute? Look no further than these 22 recommendations. We asked social impact leaders and the Future of Good team what all changemakers should add to their summer reading list, and why. Here\u2019s what they told us: 1\u23f8\u2587 The Art of Gathering, by Priya Parker.\u23f8\u2587As a person who loves people, I never thought of things like \u201cdisclude people thoughtfully\u201d or \u201cthe more the not merrier\u201d when it came to events and gatherings. Recommended to me by Anouk Bertner, managing director of Future of Good, this book provided eye-opening practices on how to provide people, not only the best experien

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