WEBINAR REPLAY: Canadian Black entrepreneurs should create the next Google / Les entrepreneurs noirs canadiens devraient créer le prochain Google

Why It Matters

Il n'existe qu'un seul fonds canadien, BKR, pour financer l'entrepreneuriat noir dans le domaine de la technologie. Lorsqu'ils obtiennent un financement, les entrepreneurs noirs reçoivent des prêts, rarement des fonds propres. Le Québécois Wils Theagene estime qu'il est urgent de changer de système et de créer une véritable chaîne de financement pour les entrepreneurs de la communauté noire. There is only one Canadian fund, BKR, to finance Black entrepreneurship in technology. When they get funding, Black entrepreneurs receive loans, rarely equity. Quebec's Wils Theagene sees a pressing need for a system change, creating a real financing chain for entrepreneurs from the Black community.

Missed the Black Leadership in Social Impact Summit? Here are insights from sessions on Black capital and anti-racist research

Why It Matters

Black social sector professionals have few dedicated opportunities to gather to share insights among themselves and with non-Black peers.

Five can’t-miss sessions at the 2023 Black Leadership in Social Impact Summit

Why It Matters

From Sept. 27-28, 2023, Future of Good and the Foundation for Black Communities are hosting a digital-first conference to celebrate Black leadership in social change and guide senior leaders and teams interested in equity and inclusion to become more impactful in their anti-racism work.

INTERVIEW: Duke Chang talks generational shifts, digital fundraising and changing demographics as he takes the helm of CanadaHelps, which has raised more than $2.5 billion in donations to date

Why It Matters

Future of Good’s CEO and Publisher Vinod Rajasekaran sits down with Duke Chang, the newly appointed president and CEO of CanadaHelps, to discuss where fundraising is heading in post-pandemic Canada.