One year into the pandemic, the social sector's working moms are not alright

Why It Matters

Women make up the majority of social impact workers — 80 percent of non-profit workers alone. The sector stands to lose, or stunt the career trajectories, of the majority of its workforce if it doesn’t advocate for more accessible childcare and change its work culture to be more flexible.

Canada’s next budget will shape the COVID-19 recovery. Here’s what the social impact sector wants.

Why It Matters

Canada’s social impact sector could play a significant role in the COVID-19 pandemic recovery. Many of its priorities are similar to the federal government’s own plans for a pandemic recovery, but Ottawa has barely mentioned the sector.

The federal government is giving $100 million to women’s organizations. Will it end the ‘shecession’?

Why It Matters

Experts say COVID-19 has set back progress on Canadian gender equity, from workforce participation to gendered violence and more. Meanwhile, the organizations meant to support women and change sexist systems are struggling themselves. A $100 million project-based fund is helpful, but is it enough?